Caring for Your Loved Ones
A licensed home care agency that provides nursing, personal care and homemaking for seniors and adults with disabilities in Coos County.
Registered nurse supervisors, licensed nurse aides and homemakers at Androscoggin Valley (AV) Home Care Services work diligently to ensure independence for clients. We serve our clients in their homes and provide thorough assessment, personal care, and homemaking services.
Homemaking & Personal Care
A trained and dedicated staff at Androscoggin Valley Home Care Services assists clients living in their homes with daily living skills – be it cleaning, shopping, and meal preparation or personal care with bathing and getting dressed.

AV Home Care Services Mission
Our mission is to responsibly provide the best personal care, homemaking and respite according to each person’s unique needs.

Why Choose Us
Our team is dedicated to serving with integrity and also committed to the well-being of the community and its citizens as unique individuals. This includes acknowledging the cultural, religious, educational and ethnic differences among people while maintaining a standard of fairness and equality in rendering care to them.